Sacramento high schoolers propose solutions to improve cultural awareness, reduce homelessness, and more

Sacramento high schoolers propose solutions to improve cultural awareness, reduce homelessness, and more

Sacramento (July 24, 2024) In an annual ritual that has become a formative experience for many people growing up in Sacramento, teams of high school students appeared before the City Council Tuesday and presented ideas for improving life in the community.

Summer@CityHall is a collaboration between the City of Sacramento and local school districts that brings more than 70 high school students together each year for a six-week intensive civics and job skills development course.

More than 1,000 students have participated in Summer at City Hall since its launch 14 years ago.

A central part of the program is identifying and researching a community problem and proposing a policy or program to address it.

This year's topics included domestic violence, mental health, drug abuse, cultural awareness, social isolation, academic stress, and homelessness. The students developed plans to address these topics and communicate with the general public. The final step in their journey was presenting these plans to the City Council.

“The presentations were both thoughtful and powerful, highlighting crucial issues that often don’t get talked about enough,” said Mayor Darrell Steinberg. “You all have great power inside of you, not only to influence public bodies such as this City Council but also the lives of people you go to school with and more. Take note of the leadership being modeled here, proving that the power to create change lies within each of us”.

Students are supported throughout the program by a variety of team members, including credentialed teachers who deliver a curriculum focused on civic engagement and job training. Participants also complete a 42-hour wellness course that includes various workshop topics such as career exploration, financial literacy, personal mental wellness, and resume development.

Watch all of the student presentations HERE.

Students interested in applying for next year please visit:

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