City continues funding for St. John's and WEAVE shelter programs for women and children

City continues funding for St. John's and WEAVE shelter programs for women and children

Sacramento (June 27, 2024) - The Sacramento City Council Tuesday voted to continue funding for women and family shelter programs offered by Saint John’s Program for Real Change and WEAVE through June 2025.

Saint John’s Program for Real Change provides shelter and services for women and children experiencing homelessness. Residents receive behavioral health services, substance use disorder counseling, housing navigation, and training to help them get a job and gain financial literacy.

Saint John’s has partnered with the City since 2019 to provide services to 1,134 individuals (593 women and 540 children). Seventy percent of those who exited the program have transitioned to positive destinations, including 232 individuals who secured permanent housing.

WEAVE provides emergency shelter and case management services to adults and children fleeing domestic violence or sex trafficking.

The City’s funding, which constitutes around 33 percent of WEAVE’s shelter budget, enables the nonprofit to provide services including safe living spaces, child care, group and individual counseling, employment assistance, housing navigation and more.

Since July 2021, WEAVE has worked closely with the City to provide refuge for 186 individuals, including 103 children. Over half of those who exited WEAVE’s program (54 percent) have moved on to positive housing destinations.

The extension of funding comes as the Sacramento City Council has prioritized addressing the city’s homelessness crisis and supporting vulnerable populations. According to the 2024 Sacramento Point-in-Time Count, the unhoused population in Sacramento city and county has declined 29 percent since 2022. The unsheltered population — those living in tents or vehicles — dropped by 41 percent.

To learn more about these programs, visit:

Saint John's Program for Real Change

WEAVE, inc.

City Council votes to continue motel program that shelters more than 500 parents and children

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