Summit on Education Attainment for Working Age Adults
Sacramento, CA – On Wednesday, May 23, Mayor Steinberg joined fellow mayors Christopher Cabaldon of West Sacramento and Preet Didbal of Yuba City to discuss the educational attainment of adults in the Sacramento region. The mayors' panel was organized by Align Capital Region and California State University, Sacramento. It's part of an initiative to get the estimated 62,000 people in the Sacramento region who are within 15 units of completing a college degree to finish their requirements and obtain that degree.
The mayor has focused considerable energy throughout his career on workforce readiness training for young people in high school and college. Under his leadership, the city introduced ThousandStrong, a paid internship program for high-school students in the city. In the weeks ahead, he plans to lay out a strategy to increase the city's ability to invest in training residents for advanced economy jobs and making sure those jobs exist in Sacramento.
By 2025, California may face a shortage of workers with college training
One-third of Californians have some college training
SOURCE: Based on projections in D. Reed, California’s Future Workforce: Will There Be Enough College Graduates?(PPIC, 2008), and H. Johnson and R. Sengupta, Closing the Gap: Meeting California’s Need for College Graduates(PPIC, 2009).
NOTE: Underlying methodology developed in D. Neumark, “California’s Economic Future and Infrastructure Challenges,” and H. Johnson, “California’s Population in 2025,” both in in California 2025: Taking on the Future, ed. E. Hanak and M. Baldassare (PPIC, 2005).
SOURCE: Author’s calculations from American Community Survey, 2010–2012 pooled file.
NOTES: Includes workers age 25 and above. In the text, “some college” refers to both “some college but no associate degree” and “associate degree.” Survey information does not allow a more detailed breakdown of credentials earned in the “some college but no associate degree” category.