An Eid  message from Mayor Darrell Steinberg

An Eid message from Mayor Darrell Steinberg


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Normally, as Ramadan comes to a close, I look forward to inviting members of Sacramento’s Muslim-American community to a dinner to celebrate Eid. Unfortunately, this is not a normal time for us all. While we are prevented from celebrating in large gatherings, I hope you are finding new ways to enjoy Eid al-Fitr with your friends and family during the pandemic.

I will miss celebrating in person with you, but we can still celebrate all the important contributions of Sacramento’s Muslim-American community to our civic culture. The Muslim- American community enriches our city and region through its commitment to service, leadership and philanthropy. I look forward to joining you in person for another celebration  once we are able to so safely and responsibly.

Thank you for all that you do for Sacramento, and Happy Eid al-Fitr.


Mayor Darrell Steinberg

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