Mayor Steinberg's statement on updated county public health order
Mayor Darrell Steinberg released this statement today in response to the updated public health order from the Sacramento County Office of Public Health that will go into effect on Friday, November 13, 2020.
“As our Sacramento County public health order changes this Friday November 13, shifting us backwards into purple, I cannot say clearly enough - for God’s sake, stop gathering. We are doing pretty well with masks and social distancing. It’s not enough.
I know it will be harder to resist gathering as the days get cold and dark. We are up against the holidays, up against friend and family traditions to be together. Here is my challenge to you – make new traditions, find safe new ways to be together virtually, to be safe and to be patient.
This is about saving lives and protecting each other’s precious health.
Going backwards is also devastating for too many small businesses, working people, and kids, parents, and teachers struggling to regain their normal lives.
We have it in our power to reverse this trend.
There is everything right about redefining what holiday cheer means in 2020. It means putting public health first, everything else we cherish depends on this.”
To read the updated public health order and for more coronavirus information and resources please visit our coronavirus page here.