Sacramento Opens Up Parking Protected Bike Lanes in Downtown, Midtown
May 21 – Mayor Steinberg, Vice Mayor Hansen and a team of staff from the City of Sacramento Public Works Department celebrated the opening of a new parking-protected bike lane on P Street. There are now a total of 20 city blocks with parking-protected bikeways in Downtown and Midtown Sacramento. By separating cyclists from traffic, these new lanes make riding a bike safer and more fun. They will help ensure that bicycling is regarded as a viable option for everyday transportation in Sacramento.
The new bike lanes in Downtown and Midtown were paid for out of $2.25 million in one-time funding set aside by the City Council last year for transportation projects that promote physical activity. The following projects were also included in the funding and are expected to open in 2018:
Del Paso Boulevard at Jackrabbit Trail (East Drain Canal): Hybrid beacon crossing with crosswalk
C Street from 33rd Street to Elvas Avenue and Elvas Avenue from C Street to H Street: Buffered bike lanes
2nd Avenue from Franklin Boulevard to Broadway: Bike lanes
Mae Fong Park to 65th Street: Trail gap closure
Pocket Canal Trail at Pocket Road and Sump Station #132: Hybrid beacon crossing with crosswalk
Mack Road at Deer Meadow Drive: Buffered bike lane and sidewalk