Operation Protect & Defend Awards Thousands of Dollars to Sacramento Area Youth
As part of Law Day 2018, Operation Protect & Defend held an awards banquet honoring Sacramento students for essays and art that examine Executive Order 9066 and Korematsu v. The United States and draws parallels with today's political climate. Executive Order 9066 and the Korematsu case are part of the tragic history of Japanese internment in the United States.
Mayor Darrell Steinberg speaking about civic engagement.
Mayor Darrell Steinberg was the keynote speaker for the awards dinner and gave a short speech, electing to give some time to the students to ask questions on subjects that were important to them. Students from C.K. McClatchy, Luther Burbank, Grant, and Florin high schools attended, along with many notable judges from the northern California.
Some of the artworks honored at the dinner are below. More information on Operation Protect and Defend can be found on their website.